Stealing America Vote by Vote

31 10 2008

Last week we had filmaker Dorothy Fadiman who recently produced the film “Stealing America: Vote by Vote.” It was a great night with in depth conversation and real world solutions.

You can view the film here in it’s intirety. enjoy!

Thanks Chelsea for the minutes 🙂

7-7:30 meet and greet potluck.

7:30- 8:30 Bruce Wolfe (Candidate for College Board President SF and former SFSU and CCSF alumn) spoke on clean money and the importance of fair campagning.  For example, Gavin Newsom raising 4 million dollars for campagning while competitors raise $10,000 is obviously not a fair campaigne strategy and gives Newsom a great advantage.  We spoke about the new legislation that is suppossed to change election money in CA so that it is all thrown into one pot from which all candidates will take equal portions.  This allows for each candidate to have the economic ability to reach the same amount of voters.

8:30-9:45 Dorothy Fadiman, Director and Producer of “Stealing America Vote by Vote”, told her story of the 2004 elections when she worked official voting booths in Florida and had 1000s of reports of people clicking on John Kerry and the computer switching the vote to George W. Bush.  She began investigating and talked to people around the country about this.  Her movie is wonderful.  Last night we screened the 20min selected scenes and this morning I watched the 90min film in it’s entirety at
Please watch this as soon as possible and share with your friends and family.  It is unbelieveable that this is happening but very well supported and delivered.  It makes helping seem accessible and possible.

After the movie she answered questions.  My favorite was “what are three things we can do?”  She said to go to the website and look at “take action”
As far as 3 concrete things she said:
1. Share this film and educate those around us.  Make sure that they know this is real and that mainstream media isn’t covering it!
2. Do not vote by absentee ballots!  Go to your registered poll or TAKE YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT TO ANY POLL AND REQUEST AN OFFICIAL BALLOT! She recomended going to her site to see the help phone lines and write them down and put them in your pocket in case there is a problem getting a ballot.
3. Take a picture of your vote or anything suspicious.  We will need data as this vote fraud is already happening around the country. If you notice anything unusual at the voting booths, REPORT IT!

This is my overview.  Please, please, please try to come to next weeks meeting.  They will be continuing this discussion as well as providing information about each and every SF and CA proposition.  This is very important to inform us as voters.